The crypto winter and payment systems with Monica Taher

Picture of Andrés Peña

Andrés Peña

As part of the preparations for Blockchaincon, the largest crypto event in Peru to be held from March 9 to 11, 2023, we had the privilege of talking to Monica Taher, VP of Marketing at RocketFuel, as well as one of the most influential people in relation to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in Spanish-speaking countries.

Throughout the Twitter Space, which lasted approximately one hour, Taher shared part of his life story, as well as some of the most important milestones of his career in the world of technology and communications.

Regarding the crypto winter, he emphasized how despite the complex moment in which the economy is, as well as the cryptocurrency industry, its adoption and use as a payment system continues to increase. This is due, above all, to the advantages they offer in relation to other platforms, which charge high fees and take longer than a transaction on the blockchain.

“Crypto payments have increased despite the winter, because people want to keep saving […] The inclement current economic situation has led people to start using cryptocurrencies.”

Taher emphasized how the current state of development of emerging technologies is very similar to the time of the emergence of the internet. Thus, he remarked that blockchain and cryptocurrencies are an opportunity to change the status quo, as it gives us the opportunity to acquire economic freedom and bank those who, for various reasons, have been left out of the traditional financial system.

He also gave details of RocketFuel, a project that operates as a bridge for different payment gateways worldwide, allowing both large and medium-sized businesses to make and receive payments with more than 150 cryptocurrencies.

The importance of the triple helix

The former Director of Technology and Business Innovation of the Government of El Salvador, highlighted that although making the leap in terms of regulations and converting cryptocurrencies into legal tender is a significant advance, it is still not enough if it is not accompanied by an education program that allows people to reduce the knowledge gap regarding the use of new technologies.

He further discussed the importance of the economic and social development programs that the government, private industry and academia must implement through the triple helix innovation model in order for technology transfer to be successful.

With this, it shows that digital assets are here to stay, despite the rejection communicated by some players in the traditional financial system. However, education and inclusion is fundamental and cannot be neglected.

Regarding the media’s approach to these issues, Taher recommended following both specialized and traditional media, as this allows us to contrast the information that is published and that, thanks to the Internet, we can follow constantly.
If you missed the Twitter Space or want to relive it, you can listen to it on our official account. You can also follow us on our Instagram and LinkedIn to keep up to date with Blockchaincon Latam 2023.